Charring Bell




we glance appraised
and bought us with a gaze
intended … intimate … a vow
to mingle sweat and breath

oh, we were dream inebriates
intemperate of passion hours
intoxicating days

now in more sober concert
we play a carillon of years
blent together in a chord
of belled unbroken melody

we are smoke within our whiskey
flavor linger charred bond
savoring our fine distinctions
distill tuned within our love


Bonnie Marshall
Artist: Hoitsu Sakhi

Dear Readers:  Reception of my second book of poetry, Chance and Timing, on  is quite heartening.  The old “word of mouth” and the new social media avenues seem to be working.  Should you purchase a copy, let me know so I may thank you. Even if not,  I appreciate your comments and “likes” very much.   Smiles … Bonnie


Even Vinegar and Rust



we seek for the authentic

even vinegar and rust

to wholly nourish us

full strength and in the moment

we seek lyrics for our thought

nouns of amethyst and pearl, and

adjectives of stained glass windows, and

verbs to sting like honey dripping bees

we sip euphony from skylarks

savor cadence clarity

tongue their syllables of pulse

oh … we crave a braver music

to fill our marrow bones


Bonnie Marshall

Artist: Ilka Gedo




Dear Readers, now carries a paperback edition of  Chance and Timing: Poetry in which I include the above “Even Vinegar and Rust.”  Should you buy this my second book of poetry, please tell me so I may thank you.  Even if not,  know I greatly appreciate my readers and value their comments and especially their “likes.”


The Taste of Sea in Salt



Pacific Ocean swash
leaves hints upon the sand
of its nether world below

discards abyssal remnants
for moon jellyfish dissolve
and blue mussel shell wreck
and blur of flea hazed kelp

erases imprint of a barefoot path
mizzles spray soak to a chill
and dims wave crash to a hiss

between our separate range
there will be no translation
no easy blending to exist

only recognition of circumference
where the taste of sea in salt
is faint as watermark


Bonnie Marshall

Artist: John Miller