All Manner of Things


as needful to our being,
we partake of the essential
nourishment of air and water
and swallowing of bread and milk
and savoring of salt

we endure the sufferance
of idle conversation dispersed to nothing
(god, keep me from the spider’s web)
and abide time’s slide to otherness

so that if and when our worlds disperse
in gravity of a quasar blasting passion
and firm new courses in existence
frighten us with strangeness

then we shall hold to knowing
that breath means life
and water is abundant absolution
and bread and milk are nurturing
and salt … is preserving certainty
of  friendship … wisdom … love

Bonnie Marshall

Art by Pieter Claesz, 1644


11 thoughts on “All Manner of Things

  1. Extraordinary, Bonnie. I love the way the poem opens on what seems ordinary, continues to embrace the expanding universe, and returns to remind us that the most simple elements contain the most profound expressions of humanity. When the worlds collide, we will still be here.

  2. Ah Bonnie…when words are able to touch the deep and create a seed, or a nest, or simply a resting place…. we feel beauty move within us… so sorely needed. Thank you fine poet…

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