Father-Daughter Dancing

Father-Daughter Dancing Fort Bragg Father Daughter Ball gives Families...

she is fire-glow shine
of new-minted pennies…
morning playfulness
of two-month colts…
anger-lightning flashes
then repentant tears
upon his  shoulder…

touchstone for her days
he sings baritone ballads
of Broadway show tunes…
with movie star good looks
he plays hero and mentor
for the dramas of her life.

Bonnie Marshall

a day trip ditty

train ditty

morning coffee is quick start
necessary for refueling,
destination hours away
and arrivals and departures
on expectation rails,
and occasional breakdowns…
and stopping for repairs
it’s when a side rail happens,
a worry, day trip glitch
we talk to one another
about the shared concern
so…if fate should happen
to  place you by my side
let’s be pleasant travelers…
it’s so short a ride

Bonnie Marshall

Photo Credit: Unknown

Relativity Awareness

Relativity Awareness

where wind sways grasses
on a Cape Cod beach…
and fiddler crabs
wave claws in sea-foam…
and piping plovers
pick at white sand…
a brown-gold spider
excretes a killing space
of silver filament

arachnid silk pattern spinner…
eight-legged creator
of elegant design…
synchronicity in motion…
just a small analogy
to computer linking
and tangles in the universe…
relativity awareness

Bonnie Marshall

Lydia at the Table

Lydia at the Table
Old Lady in Blitar
Lydia… street vendor…
patterns glass bead necklaces
into sparkling rainbows
on purple velvet cloth.
Her arthritic fingers
flutter above the jewelry
until symmetry is shaped.
She hardly glances
at a blur of passing strangers.
She seems reluctant
to notice people standing there.
In turn, they seem reluctant
to break her gauzy trance.
She appears the image of a wise diviner…
more like a sorceress at her trade.
If someone asks a question,
her gentle gesture
above the surface of the table
shows their answers will lie there.
Should someone break the necklace spell
and lift the jewels to catch the light
an expression almost painful
marks her grandma face.
Attached to each glittering strand
is a tiny lettered tag.
Occasionally shoppers simply glance
then overpay the price.
When she wraps a purchase
in purple tissue like a gift
some feel compelled
for reasons without words
to bless her silently.

Bonnie Marshall

After Rain

Children playing in snow 1

After Rain

after rain
a freeze of snow
suspended time
flexi flyers
head first
feet first
no hands
speed devils
slicing metal edges
groomed tracks
zigzag the trees
boy and girl
twelve years
glittering snow plumes
race up the hill
snow fights
warriors hissing
white air
ice crystal balls
jammed into coat collars
slipping down
slender necks
thin shoulder blades
sniffling noses
chapped cold lips
hasty kiss
shadows lengthen
time awareness
melting snow
return of rain

Bonnie Marshall