Here There Be Dragons












Hic Sunt Dracones
drawn on ancient maps
meant sail at your own risk
to these uncharted realms.

So we-the-cautious learned
to watch where sidewalks end,
stay on roads with yellow bricks,
and leave white pebble-stones
in pathless woods
to show the way back home.

While gatekeepers of good fortune
all with daunting names…
Indecision and Timidity,
Loss-of-Initiative and Cost…
lurk…prowling there
on shores of our intent.

Bonnie Marshall


9 thoughts on “Here There Be Dragons

  1. Here’s to sailing into uncharted territory, to risking, to finding the courage to leave safe harbours behind…

  2. I was just checking this out again thought I’d leave you this

    I want to be among those who ventured out
    Knowing all the risks that might be there,
    For only those who cross the seas
    Are those who change the skies.

  3. Again, quietly — terrifying (this is a compliment); also, the lament within those gate-keepers’ names. I remember Rilke writing, in his Letters to a Young Poet, that maybe life’s most terrible obstacles are dragons waiting to turn into Princesses or Princes once they see us, beautiful and brave.

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